Loch Leven

This morning I decided to do a bit of exploring which is really unlike me! I always enjoy planning a shoot through various apps like sun surveyor or my new best friend, Photopills! which I have started using to plan upcoming shoots!

Anyway, I set out for the Lomond hills at the back end of Falkland and headed for west Lomond. After only about a 15 minute walk and with a clear view to the hill that it was very barren, not even a tree, just a wall and a path so I headed back to the car realising that east Lomond should have been the choice. The view across to east Lomond was superb, great light with sporadic trees lining the narrow path.

I jumped back in the car and made the short journey north to Loch Leven through the scenic villages of Scotlandwell and Wester Balgedie onto the back entrance for the loch. I was really not expecting much as like I said, I was heading into the unknown (photography wise) 

I parked up and headed for the loch which was only about a minute or two walk. I wondered along the narrow beach area to find this broken tree, it honestly felt like someone had put it there for photographers! It was picture perfect although, I did make a slight alteration to the positioning of log. Looking at the photograph, this might not seem that big but bloody hell, it was heavy! I tilted it upwards, while almost falling in as it was only just within reach, as I wanted the peak of the log above the horizon line. It really did make for a beautiful composition as the lighting was still fantastic. 


The first photo was was taken with my very first exposure which is always pleasing, there is very little editing done to it as it looked great the way it was. The second photo was taken a bit later once the light had gone and converted to B&W and used silver Efex pro and lightroom for the processing. Both shots were taken from identical positions as I never moved the tripod. I used F16 in both photos for DOF as I was so close to a foreground object, ISO was at base 64 on my camera and using the Lee big stopper to smooth the water and clouds.